Frequently Asked Questions

How long is the visit and what will it cost?

Length of visit and fees vary according to services provided.  We are happy to discuss our fees with you. We are covered on numerous health plans.  Feel free to call with questions and remember a consultation is always no charge.

How long will it take to feel better?

Some patients feel better instantly, others may take weeks or months, and some may have some permanent problems that can’t be fixed all the way. Many factors affect the healing process. How long have you had the problem?  Are there any degenerative changes?  How old are you? Are you keeping your appointments? Are you doing exercises, stretches, or lifestyle modifications that were recommended? Are you getting the proper rest, exercise, and nutrition? Do you have any underlying conditions (ie. cancer, diabetes)? Do you smoke? If you are not feeling improvement within a few visits, we will change your treatment plan or refer you to someone else.

What can I do to get better faster?

We love patients that take an active role in their healing. Here are some of the things you can do to speed up your healing:

  • Have a positive attitude. It’s been proven that those with a positive outlook heal faster. We’re optimistic and you should be too!
  • Stick to your treatment plan.  Our advice is designed to produce the greatest results in the shortest amount of time. That’s why
    keeping your appointments is so important.
  • Do your exercises or stretches.  The stretches or exercises given to you are for your benefit. Doing them too much or not enough makes them less effective.
  • Keep inflammation in check. Estimates are that Americans eat between 14 to 1 and 30 to 1 inflammatory foods to every anti-inflammatory food.  Increasing the amount of anti-inflammatory foods you eat and decreasing the inflammatory foods you eat will help you have a normal inflammatory response.
  • Take supplements.  If your body is low in nutrients for rebuilding damaged tissues, you won’t heal very fast. We offer a wide range of supplements from Standard Process, Metagenics, Nutri-West, and Thorne. These are high quality products available to healthcare professionals only. They can supply missing nutrients and help support your healing process. Ask us if there is one that can help your condition.
  • Reduce stress.  This is easier said than done. Evaluate your life and see if there is anything that can go. We also have some herbs that help your body handle or adapt to the stress that you can’t get rid of.
  • Maintain a normal activity level. Studies show that complete bed-rest slows healing and running a marathon slows healing. Your normal activity level is the best for healing.
  • Listen to your pain. “No pain, No gain” does NOT apply here. Pain is a warning signal that we are doing damage to our bodies. Don’t ignore it!

If you start, do you have to go the rest of your life?

Most people respond well to chiropractic care. Some people, however, have never been in for a chiropractic visit. Therefore, as a result of a long-lasting subluxations and resulting degenerative changes, their condition becomes chronic and will never heal all the way.  They can still benefit from chiropractic care.  Some people find the value in chiropractic care and come in every 6 months to a year for a check-up, just like you would a dental check-up. That way, if they do have a problem, it only needs a few visits instead of a root canal!

Is chiropractic care safe?

The best estimates put the risk of injury due to spinal manipulation at 1 in 2,000,000. This makes chiropractic care safer than drugs,  flying in an airplane, surgery, driving 35 miles in your car, aspirin, and doing nothing at all.

Is chiropractic safe for children?

Many children are impaired from birth. Even a so-called “normal delivery” can cause severe damage to a child’s spine, not to mention the trauma that can occur from the use of forceps, vacuum extraction, or C-section. Many babies labeled as “colicky” merely need a gentle adjustment to help relax tight muscles and inflamed tissues.

With toddlers, the falls associated with learning to walk can lay the foundation for spinal problems later on in life. When children hit their growth spurt it is especially important to have them checked for  scoliosis. Treatment of this debilitating condition is more effective if caught early. Chiropractic adjustments are also often helpful with childhood ear infections, hyperactivity, asthma, insomnia, and bed wetting.

Is chiropractic safe during pregnancy?

Many women get regular adjustments during their pregnancy. In addition to the hormones of pregnancy that relax ligaments causing joint instability, the increased weight of a growing fetus pulls on the low back causing pain.  Keeping the pelvis aligned also prevents narrowing of the birth canal. A recent study showed a 25% decrease in labor time for women who received regular chiropractic adjustments. Since so many medications and herbs are dangerous during pregnancy, chiropractic is the safest treatment for pregnant patients with back or neck pain. Chiropractic can also be very helpful in turning breech babies with the Webster Technique.

Other questions?

Please call if you have a question we didn’t answer here.  We know the more you learn about chiropractic, the more confidence you’ll have that it will work for you. It’s already helped millions find relief and feel better. It can help you too!

Start feeling better TODAY!